News list
Dr. Sandhya Manohar receives SNSF Ambizione Grant
The Dutch Research Council (NOW) awarded a 2 year Rubicon grant to Dr. Yannick Kok for his project DNA repair: wrong place, wrong time
Award Ceremony and Lectures Dr. Ernst Th. Jucker Preis 2019/2020
for Important Contributions to Cancer Research
The project of the MSRU “Human-Horse Interaction” was awarded the “Prize for Educational Innovations” ”from the Hans-Peter Frey Foundation
Kaivalya Walavalkar received the prestigious EMBO postdoctoral fellowship
Scott Finlay PhD and Salim Darwiche PhD awarded first prize for best investor pitch, presenting their marketable product for cartilage repair
Congratulations to SNSF Prof. Dr. Matthias Altmeyer for being appointed Associate Professor
Congratulations to Prof.em. Dr. Brigitte von Rechenberg for obtaining ORS 2020 Women’s Leadership Forum Award
Stephanie Lüthi receives semester price 2019 from VSF
Prof. Dr. Tuncay Baubec receives ERC Consolidator Grant
Ramon Pfändler receives semester price from MNF
Nina Schmolka receives SNF Ambizione Fellowship
New paper from group M. Altmeyer online in EMBO journal
Molecular biologist Tuncay Baubec received the renowned Georg Friedrich Götz Award
Preisgekrönte Nachwuchsforschung
Verlängerung SNF Förderungsprofessur von Prof. Dr. Tuncay Baubec
Erfolgsmeldung aus dem Department of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
Proteinveränderungen weisen auf Krebs hin
Mass spectrometry method provides first view of stress-induced extracellular protein modification in cells and tissues
Tumor Therapy of the Future
Measuring the Effects of Drugs on Cancer Cells
Prolongation of SNSF Professorship for Prof. Dr. Matthias Altmeyer
Raffaella Santoro received the prestigious ERC advanced grant
Article in UZH Magazin about Matthias Altmeyer on his work "Krebszellen im Burnout"
Successful and stimulating 3rd Joint Department Colloquium (JDC) of the DMMD
Important Mechanism of Epigenetic Gene Regulation Identified
UZH press release on the work of Santoro and Cinelli groups on stem cell pluripotency in Nature Cell Biology
Professorial appointment process successfully completed
SNF Prof. Dr. Matthias Altmeyer receives highly prestigious ERC Starting Grant
Dr. Francisco Verdeguer new group leader at DMMD
Prof. Dr. Raffaella Santoro elected as new EMBO member
Dr. Sandra Frommel from the Santoro group receives Jahrespreis of the Vetsuisse Faculty
Group van Loon publishes on the impact of ribonucleotide incorporation on DNA base excision repair in Nature Communications
Dr. Barbara van Loon appointed to Associate Professor position at the Norwegian University for Science and Technology
IVBMB is now Department of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease (DMMD)
Group Hottiger publishes on identification of genome-wide chromatin ADP-riboslyation in Molecular Cell
Group Altmeyer publishes on intracellular phase separation in Nature Communications
IVBMB now also associated with Faculty of Science (MNF)
Dr. Tuncay Baubec awarded SNF-professorship to be carried out at the IVBMB
Group Santoro awarded for Cell Stem Cell Cover Page
Group Santoro publishes major study on predictive marker of prostate cancer recurrence in Nature Genetics
Dr. Matthias Altmeyer awarded SNF-professorship to be carried out at the IVBMB
Prof. Michael O. Hottiger new acting director of IVBMB as of 1. February 2014