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Department of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease

Mission and Vision


The mission of the DMMD is to elucidate molecular mechanisms leading to diseases, to lay the foundation for novel therapies and to offer a comprehensive and modern teaching program to students at all  levels and both faculties.


At the DMMD, we strive to be at the forefront of biomedical research and teaching. We envision the DMMD as an internationally recognized center for the study and development of new approaches for the research and medicine of the future.

Goals of the DMMD

  • Establish an international esteem by publishing in high-ranking journals, winning competitive research grants, attracting private investors and recruiting the best scientists and students
  • Create a dynamic and interactive research community by stimulating and supporting collaborations with scientists and clinicians within the University and internationally
  • Function as a platform that encourages the interaction between clinicians and scientists in order to employ novel molecular technologies in the clinical setting