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Department of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease

Publications - Ambizione Fellow Dr. Nina Schmolka

Full list of publications


Schmolka N, Gomes AQ and Silva-Santos B

Understanding immune cell differentiation by epigenetics

Book chapter, Academic Press/Elsevier (Epigenetics of the Immune System) 2020

in press



Amado T, Amorim A, Enguita FJ, Romero PV, Inácio D, de Miranda MP, Winter SJ, Simas JP, Krueger A, Silva-Santos B, Gomes AQ and Schmolka N

MicroRNA-181a regulates IFN-g expression in effector CD8+ T cell differentiation

J Mol Med (Berl). 2020 Feb;98(2):309-320

PubMed Full Text Article


Schmolka N, Papotto PH, Vargas Romero P, Amado T, Enguita FJ, Amorim A, Rodrigues AF, Gordon KE, Coroadinha AS, Boldin M, Serre K, Buck AH, Gomes AQ  and Silva-Santos B

MicroRNA-146a controls functional plasticity in gd T cells by targeting Nod1

Sci Immunol. 2018 May 4;3(23):eaao1392

PubMed Full Text Article


Schmolka N, Wencker M, Hayday AC, Silva- Santos B.

Epigenetic and transcriptional regulation of gd T cell differentiation: Programming cells for responses in time and space

Semin Immunol. 2015 Feb;27(1):19-25

PubMed Full Text Article


Schmolka N, Serre K, Grosso AR, Rei M, Pennington DJ, Gomes AQ, Silva-Santos B.

Epigenetic and transcriptional signatures of stable versus plastic differentiation of proinflammatory gd T cell subsets

Nat Immunol 2013 Oct;14(10):1093-1100

PubMed Full Text Article

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